In winter season we often gain weight. Most people really add those ponds in winter season that are hard to lose afterwards. It is known that during the winter season we gain more weight, and then in summer and spring we will pass time trying to lose those few ponds we weight more than we should.WHAT CAUSES THIS PHENOMENON?
Actually there is no logical explanation to demonstrate the theory of gaining weight in the winter, but there are some causes that can inflict this.1. Genetic Predisposition -
It is possible that our genes to be programmed to consumer more alcohol and more alignments high on fats during periods with low temperature. It might be true that our ancestors needed a high quantity of fats in their organism just to survive through these periods and then quantity acted as "fuel" to keep our body temperature high. According to researchers/scientist We inherited these genes, and along with them the need to consume aliments that are high on fats during winter season.
2. Hormones Level -
It The interaction of hormones inside the human brain and different chemicals can cause variations in aliment consumption and appetite. Some neuron-transmitters, substances that have role to transmit information from a nervous cell to other, can influence the way we eat food. When the neuron-transmitter level is low (a phenomenon that is highly encountered with over-weighed persons) can create a permanent appetite (it will increase several mental health problems like sleeping disorders, anxiety, stress, depression). Most of the peoples feel depressed in the winter season, as a reaction of less day hrs because of the shorter days.Our body reacts to anxiety and depression, producing a bigger quantity of neuron-transmitters. The another way to fight against depression is to eat aliments rich in carbohydrates.Unfortunately, aliments with carbs (cookies, pies, chips, chocolates) also have high quantity of fats, so eating these junk foods can lead to weight problems. The solution is to make sure we are eating the aliments that have in them fibers and carbohydrates to fight against anxiety, depression and without having to deal with few extra pounds.
3. Lack Of Exercise -
It is obvious that in winter season physical activity is not enjoyable as compared to summer. However, in winter you must not abandon physical activity like sports because of rains, snow or cold. This is the main reason that causes weight problems. We have many calories in body, but we never transfer these calories/fats to energy just because we don't do any physical activity, so naturally, they will add up to our weight.
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